Video 1
This video is the first in a three-part series focused on essential vaccination practices. It covers key aspects such as understanding vaccine protocols, ensuring proper documentation and record-keeping, and effective communication with patients. Additionally, it highlights the importance of checking special patient circumstances for possible contraindications, verifying vaccine validity through proper storage, and concludes with a summary of key points. This foundational video sets the stage for the next two, which will dive deeper into the technicalities and safety measures in vaccination administration.
Video 2
The second video in this three-part series focuses on the technical aspects of administering vaccines. It covers essential steps, including proper hand hygiene, preparing a clean vaccination station, and checking the vaccine for expiration and type. The video also demonstrates drawing the vaccine into a syringe, selecting and preparing the correct injection site, administering the vaccine with precision, and ensuring safe disposal of the needle and syringe. This instructional guide provides nurses with detailed procedures to enhance safe and effective vaccine administration’
Video 3
The third video in this series covers the important steps to take after administering a vaccine. It focuses on monitoring patients for immediate reactions, checking vital signs, and providing clear aftercare instructions. The video also addresses the process of reporting adverse events, ensuring accurate record-keeping, and scheduling patient follow-ups. This final instalment reinforces the critical post-vaccination procedures, ensuring that patients receive proper care and that all necessary documentation is completed, culminating with a summary and take away messages.
Nurses across all specialties and domains find themselves in a significantly different landscape compared to a decade ago. These professionals are adapting to changes not only in healthcare, but also in broader areas such as economics, climate, digital innovation, and evolving roles and responsibilities. However, there is a noticeable imbalance in the national and institutional positioning of nurses, which impacts their status, self-confidence, overall well-being leading to outflow of the professionals and health workforce sustainability challenges. To address these challenges, ESNO has developed a new report, ‘Euro-Nurse 365’, which outlines the current situation and provide inside on the response. The report emphasizes the importance of creating a mechanism to facilitating education, certification of achievements, and recognition of nurses' autonomy. It also marks the medium-term ESNO campaign, Decade of the Specialist Nurse 2020–2030.
Elaborating on the Role of Specialist Nurses and Advanced Level in European Healthcare Towards 2030
This report is a result of a full year consultation with ESNO constituencies and partner organisation and discussed during a range of ESNO event. This was launched during the ESNO event in the EU parliament 10 October 2024. This report stresses the importance of these elements to enable a positive move towards the recognition of the specialist nurse profession in the European context as a key instrument on the retention, to the background of nurse shortage and outflow of healthcare professionals. Additionally, the report will focus on other aspects and obstacles that the European healthcare workforce and specialist nurses currently face.
The leadership of specialist nurses is undoubtedly present in the health sectors but is not sufficiently translated into policy and science. Healthcare professionals need to be trained and educated before they can carry out patient care. In the same way, reading scientific and medical publications needs a basic level of knowledge of the methodology of writing papers, to allow analysis of the validity of the data in an objective way. Also, understanding the elements on which the evidence is built allows us to acquire the skills to carry out our own research. The European macro-environment opens up important opportunities to exchange and share different professional cultures and to identify best practice. This guide provides a good insight about the ins and outs of science, on the reading and writing and above all to include this in clinical practice.
Five videos on a webinar held on 1 June 2022 on ‘Catheter acquired Urinary Tract infections (CAUTI): Cause, Impact and Prevention’. Health care providers, (specialised) nurses and Nurse Practitioners have knowledge about prevalence and incidence of Indwelling catheters in hospitals and CAUTI. Know how to prevent CAUTI and unnecessary indwelling catheterisation in hospitalised patients. The goal of the webinar is to share the knowledge on infection tract prevention in catheterisation, proper indications on use of indwelling catheters, placement and maintenance of indwelling catheters Aims and objectives are to learn about, prevention of urinary infections in patients with indwelling catheters who are hospitalised, proper indications for indwelling catheters, and hygienic maintenance of indwelling catheters.
Video 1 - Full video - Introduction and moderation by Jeanette Verkerk
Video 2 - Catheter infections, facts and figures by Noel Abela
Video 3 - Catheterization according to guidelines by Laura Ross
Video 4 - Maintenance of indwelling catheters by Eva Wallace
Video 5 - Hand hygeine and infection prevention by Noel Abela
This is the revised guide which supports nurses to be informed and well positioned when communicating, educating and providing patients information on biosimilar medication for safe and effective use. It also serves as an instrument to communicate with other healthcare practitioners such as pharmacists and medical professionals.
Translation in the European special nurse’s domain requires respectful adaptation to the regulatory background and recognition of nationality and culture. For this reason, translations are accompanied with a personal translators note.
Coming soon: PT
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: ‘The Nurses’ voice on #BiosimilarMedicines. An opportunity for integrated care’. Kate O’Regan of Medicine for Europe speaking with Adriano Friganovic and Hanneke Voorneveld.
WATCH THE POWERPOINT about the Biosimilar Guide
WATCH THE VIDEO: Introducing the ‘Biosimilar Guide Revision version 2022’ by Hanneke Voorneveld
ESNO is proud to publish the foundation of this Campaign, the outcome of a long process of events, which began during the ‘Year of the Nurse’ 2020 when the COVID pandemic, a culmination of a series of dramas that swept across European and hit the nursing profession hard, hurting its very foundation. However, the foundation did not crack. Instead, it became the foundation of discovering courage and strength, built on resilience and gained science. In short, this pandemic did not break us, but only made us stronger. However, this strength is sustainable only when it is strongly gathered up to create a new direction. This new direction requires time and support from all corners, not only nursing. This book sets out the road ahead of us with impressive programs and, finally, contributes to the quality of care, patient safety, and the recognition of our profession. It showcases its beauty and results in the retention and the attractiveness of the nursing profession.
This competence profile has been designed to evolve over time. It is based on the current specific needs of plasma collection centers in Europe with regard to their operations. There is an urgency to create a competence profile for nurses in plasma collection centers so that nurses can not only provide greater support to physicians but also perform specific tasks when needed. The profile as described meets the essential aspects for nurses’ competence to act according to minimum standards.
The health and safety of nurses and other health professionals is supported and protected at work by employers, institutions and European legislation and regulations. Health and safety protection covers a range of areas, such as violence, mental health, sharps, chemicals, toxic medications such as cancer drugs, and surgical smoke. 'Hazardous surgical smoke: Nurses' Information, Education and Communication Guide' is the first of a series of eight guides to safety at work. This guide provides information for nurses on the full impact of surgical smoke, with a particular focus on nurses and other healthcare professionals working in the operating room.
During this unprecedented year in relation to the Corona-virus pandemic, our attention has focused on viral and other infectious diseases, and especially on vaccination. On top of this, there is also concern about nurses’ personal uptake of the influenza vaccination ‘with opinions being expressed without having heard the nurse’s voice‘. ESNO is a strong advocate and promoter of nursing knowledge and competencies related to infectious disease transmission and vaccination, but we are also interested in whether this contributes to your personal decision on vaccination uptake. In this survey we learned about personal motivation related to influenza vaccination and when available, the Corona-virus vaccination, and how this relates to Specialist Nurses professional activity and training needs.
ESNO developed a Nurses Information and Communication Guides on Microbes published in 2021. The guides provide information and support optimal communication around topics such as vaccination, anti microbial resistance and infection prevention and control. For the full project, click HERE.
This series, which encompasses books for each specialty, will shape evidence-based practice in Europe, while also integrating lessons learned from other continents. Moreover, it will contribute to clarifying the status of the specialist nurse as an advanced practice nurse.
Sheds new light on practical issues based on evidence in psychiatric and mental health nursing.
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This book provides a unique overview of oncology nursing care in a new health environment, one in which oncology nurses play an increasingly important role. In this regard, it addresses not only the biomedical aspects of new drugs but also the challenges they pose in day-to-day nursing practice. It also highlights the new skills that oncology nurses will need to develop in light of the changing care setting.
Drawing on evidence-based practice in Europe and around the globe, the book offers a holistic approach to nursing for adult and pediatric patients. Written by respected professionals in the field, it provides nurses interested in oncology with clear and comprehensive information on the specific abilities required, with a focus on therapeutic education, supportive care, genetic counseling and e-health. In addition, it addresses the new role of patients as decision makers and full partners throughout their treatment cycle.
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Under the Auspices of EDTNA/ERCA and EKPF
EDITORS: Afra Masià-Plana and Anastasia Liossatou
This textbook, endorsed by EDTNA/ERCA and ESNO, provides unique evidence-based knowledge about nursing in renal care and harmonises specialised understandings from various countries, to be implemented across numerous national health systems.
Renal care nursing is essential in order to promote and prevent renal health as well as detect and contribute to the care of renal disease. These complex tasks require specialised knowledge and training to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes in patient care. This book describes in detail the highest quality practices in different stages of the disease. Twenty-three chapters reflect evidence-based or consensus in practise, covering management and treatment in patient centred care procedures. Combining expert knowledge from many countries, this textbook can be used for teaching new staff in renal care as well as reviewing and updating renal care expertise.
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